
During July and August 2015 owners or managers of buildings that were either in the city centre or were heritage buildings falling within the Council’s Earthquake Prone Building Policy were surveyed in relation to earthquake strengthening works.

The objectives of the survey were to gauge building owner awareness of seismic strengthening requirements, investigate the economic implications of strengthening work and inform the development of the Whakamahere Whakatu Nelson Plan.

There were 87 responses to the survey, a response rate of 31%.

The survey provided a useful insight into Nelson’s progress towards earthquake strengthening. For example about a quarter of buildings in the survey are being (or will be) strengthened, with 12% having work already underway. Conversely, about a third of respondents advised that their buildings have had no seismic assessment and no strengthening is being considered; of those, 60% have owners who think no strengthening is required.

The survey also provided information on the budgets required for strengthening works, the awareness of available heritage incentives and produced a range of points of view relating to owners’ receiving financial assistance.

Contact: Paul Harrington
Planning Adviser
ph (03) 546 0388

The survey results are summarised in attachment file below


Results of 2015 Seismic Strengthening Survey. (pdf, 302 KB)