Tracing the Tideway Walk

In the 1840s the Paruparu Estuary was a mahinga kai (food gathering area) for Māori. It was flooded by the high tide, and fed by streams from the Toitoi Valley, Washington Valley and the Mahitahi (Maitai River) floodplain. European settlers called it ‘The Tideway’ and the area was bridged and gradually reclaimed.

Follow the shoreline plaques to points of interest along what was once the Estuary frontage. When reading a plaque you are facing the direction where water would have met the shoreline.

Download map

Download a two page map and description of the Tracing the Tideway walk (294KB PDF).

Audio tour of the walk

Go to the prow website to listen to or download the audio file for the walk.


heritage-walk-melrose-garden.pdf (pdf, 222 KB)