19 - Three Glen Walks

Time: see route directions


Time: see route directions

Area: The Glen

Start Location: To get to The Glen, head north from Nelson along State Highway 6 and turn left onto Glen Road just before the Gentle Annie Saddle. You will find the start point for the walks at the car park at the end of Glen Road by the

Download the Three Glen Walk map (156KB PDF)

Route directions

The Residential Loop - 30 minutes

Head off from the carpark and take a right turn into Athol Street, follow it around the hill until it leads back to the flat, where you turn right onto the main road back to the carpark. There is a playground on the left of the carpark, and a short exploration of the Boulder Bank makes this a good family outing.

Walkway Lookout - 45 minutes

Note: Please leave cars parked at the carpark. This walkway is on private land: no dogs are allowed and it is closed after nightfall and during the lambing season.

From the carpark you can walk to the top of Airlie Street where the walkway begins. Take a left turn before the woolshed and cross the stream to follow the track around the side of the hill. This will require stout footwear after rain. Where the road forks, carry on with the upper track. A 20 - 30 minute climb is rewarded with a spectacular view right along the Boulder Bank to the city - and a seat to enjoy it. The Cable Bay walkway continues on for those more energetic.

The Boulder Bank Drive Walk - 40 minutes

The Boulder Bank is a natural ‘sea wall’ which stretches for 13km, protecting Nelson Haven from the waters of Tasman Bay. The rocks have been washed southward from Mackay’s Bluff and the small stones on top make for easier walking, particularly at the Glen end where the Boulder Bank is stable and no longer affected by tides or rock movement. After passing some farm sheds, the next building is the Cawthron Institute fish hatchery where shellfish spat are hatched for experimental use. Walk as far as the inclination takes you, and then return to the carpark.