Financial assistance for heritage properties

Following the adoption of the Whakatu Nelson Heritage Strategy in November 2006, the Nelson City Council established three avenues of financial assistance for heritage property owners and others who are concerned with the city’s heritage. Financial assistance for heritage properties acknowledges the private costs that are incurred for the public benefit that heritage provides.

The three channels of financial assistance are:

  • Zero fees for resource consents
  • Rates Remissions for Heritage Maintenance
  • Heritage Project Fund

Zero fees for resource consents

Non-notified applications to conserve and restore a heritage building, place or object listed in the Nelson Resource Management Plan will incur no charge. For more information please call the Duty Planner on +64 3 546 0357.

Rates Remissions for Heritage Maintenance

Rates remission is provided to assist with the preservation of Nelson’s heritage by encouraging the maintenance of heritage buildings.  Ratepayers who have Group A or B buildings that meet certain criteria may apply for a rates remission when the applications process is open (normally sometime during the first quarter of each year). Building owners must make a commitment to the ongoing maintenance of their building. Find out more information on rates remissions for Heritage Maintenance.

Heritage Project Fund

Individuals and groups seeking financial assistance towards a specific project that relates to the upkeep of a heritage building, object or site may apply for the Heritage Project Fund. This is a contestable fund with applications open on an annual basis (normally some time during the first half of each year). Grants are available to maintain, repair, restore, stabilise and provide advice and work for statutory seismic strengthening for buildings, objects and sites that are identified in the Nelson Resource Management Plan. Find more information on the Heritage Project Fund.