The Wetland at Groom Creek

In September 2018, the Maitai Mahitahi Wetland at Groom Creek was officially opened.

The wetland will fulfil a number of different functions to enhance water quality, and create a significant food source for native birds coming from the Brook Valley, up into the Maitai Valley, and over into the Richmond Ranges.

 The wetland has been planted with hollow reeds (Machaerina articulata and Eleocharis sphacelata) which are particularly good at stripping nitrates from the water. Nitrates come from a number of different sources, including plants such as gorse and broom, and can be carried into the river through sediment.

As the wetland matures and settles into its environment, native plants, birds and wildlife will become established and repopulate the surrounding area.  While the wetland does its work of filtering nitrates from water flowing into the Maitai River, insects and birds are already enjoying their new environment, as are those people who use this area to enjoy recreational activities.