Urban Development Capacity

The National Policy Statement (NPSUD) on Urban Development came into force in August 2020 replacing the former National Policy Statement on Urban Development Capacity.

The NPSUD requires Tasman and Nelson Councils to work closely together to provide sufficient housing and business capacity for the joined urban environment.

The main requirements of the NPSUD are:

  • Monitoring of indicators of housing and business demand and supply. 
  • Completion of housing and business capacity assessments on a three-yearly basis to inform Council’s growth planning.
  • Development and review of Future Development Strategy for the joined urban environment.

Read the NPSUD: www.environment.govt.nz/publications/national-policy-statement-on-urban-development-2020/

Urban Development Capacity Monitoring Reports

Below are the Urban Development Capacity reports. They are updated annually.

Urban Development Capacity Assessment