Rates rebates

Applying for a rates rebate

The Nelson City Council, on behalf of the Department of Internal Affairs, administers the rates rebate scheme. You may qualify for a refund of a portion of your rates. There is a sliding scale for this rebate which links income level to rates levied. The more rates you pay the higher income you can earn and still qualify.

You can apply for a rates rebate if the following is applicable to you:

  • You pay the rates on the address that you live at, and
  • You were living at that address at 1 July 2024, and
  • Your name is on the rate account

The rebate will be calculated based on your income, rates and the number of dependents living with you.

We are not conducting face-to-face interviews this year. You can drop off your completed Rates Rebate application form to us.

Please phone our customer service team on +64 3 546 0200 to see if you qualify for a rates rebate or if you have an enquiry. Rates rebates are granted under the Rates Rebate Act 1973 and you must provide income and accommodation information so your rebate can be calculated.

The maximum rebate payable for the 2024/25 rating year is $790. For more information and download an application form please visit the Department of Internal Affairs website. You can also use the Rates rebate eligibility table to get an estimate of a rebate.

The Rates Rebate (Retirement Village Residents) Amendment Bill was passed by parliament in February 2018. This Bill was passed “to ensure that retirement village residents are recognised as paying rates and are therefore entitled to apply for a rates rebate regardless of the billing practice of the local authority”. This Act will apply to rates in the rating year that begins on or after 1 July 2018.

Contacts for rates rebate enquiries

You can contact Council's Customer Service Team by:

You can also use the form below to enquire about rates rebate.