35 - Mahoe Walk

This walk is for people with a good level of fitness - the rewards are the enjoyment of native bush just minutes from the city and spectacular views once you reach the lookout.


Time: 1 - 1 1/2 hours

Area: South Nelson

Start Location: Market Road, Bishopdale.

Download the Mahoe Walk map (52KB PDF)

Route directions

The start is a small carpark near the end of Market Road and the beginning of the Kahikatea Track that takes you to the top of the Grampians. You will pass the track's namesake tree when you climb over its root system - the tree is 36m high, has a 34m spread, an 8m circumference and is thought to be about 300 - 500 years old.

Follow the track through the gate - take the Kahikatea Track and follow the sign to the Observation Platform. Before reaching the top you will see a sign for the Mahoe Walk which veers down to the left. You can first carry on to the Observation Platform and enjoy the panoramic views of the city and the region from the lookout platform above Tukuka Street.

Start your descent down the Mahoe Track looking for the quarry on the right as you descend. You will hook up with the main track just above the carpark.