Kaihautū Manager Māori Partnerships

Pania Lee, Kaihautū

The role of the Kaihautū is to provide strategic leadership in building a culturally responsive local government organisation; support the development of enduring partnerships with eight local iwi; and to enable positive engagement and outcomes for iwi, Māori and the wider community.

Ka rewa Aotea ki Te Tai Hauāuru
Paraninihi kei raro, Taipake kei runga
Taranaki titohea

Here atu ki Ngāti Haua
te wahi e whakamana i te Kingitanga
Piki atu ra ki Ngawha,
Te wāhi i hainatia te Tiriti o Waitangi

Heke iho ra ki te waka ā Maui,
Kai Tahu, Koukourarata e
Tau ana ki Te Tau Ihu.

Contact Pania

Telephone +64 3 546 0200
Email Pania