7 - Three Gardens Walk

This central city walk takes in many notable trees and historical features.


Time: 1 - 3 hours.

Area: Nelson Central

Start Location: Top of Trafalgar Street at the Church Steps, the focal point of Nelson's inner city.

Download the Three Gardens Walk map (53KB PDF)

Route directions

Wander through the Church Hill gardens around the Cathedral finishing at Nile Street on the eastern side. Interpretive panels behind the cathedral and alongside the steps point out trees and historic features.

Walk east along Nile Street and turn right into Shelbourne Street. At the corner on the left side of the road are steps up to historic Hallowell Cemetery.

Back down on Shelbourne Street continue up to Bronte Street, turn right and then left into Trafalgar Street South. Walk through Fairfield Park to Van Diemen Street - or take time to relax in the Lady Newman Gazebo overlooking the amphitheatre lawn used for outdoor concerts in summer.

On the other side of the park walk up to Fairfield House which is open to the public every day during daylight hours*.

From Fairfield House walk along Trafalgar Street South to Melrose House - a historic house and public garden. Take any of the garden pathways through to Brougham Street.

Turn right and continue along until the road turns left into Scotland Street. From the end of the street take Willow Walk alongside the Brook Stream through to Alton Street by Central School. The houses opposite Central School on Alton Street were built between 1900-25 and form an historic precinct. The lime trees around the front of the school are over 100 years old.

From Alton Street, turn right into Hardy Street and then left into Queens Gardens - a traditional park with attractive lighting along the pathways for evening strolls. When you reach Bridge Street on the other side of the gardens turn left past the Suter Art Gallery and through historic Albion Square to Hardy Street. There is an interpretive panel on Bridge Street with more information on Albion Square and its features, which include an old fire station and hexagonal trout hatchery. Finish your walk along Hardy Street, left into Trafalgar Street and back to the Church Steps.

Options: *For an extra walk take the loop track through the woodland area behind Fairfield House - the best place to start is on Van Diemen Street.