NRMP Private Plan Change 06/01

Catal Developments Ltd
Operative 31 March 2008
Following the hearing before three Commissioners on 26-29 June and 3-4 July 2007, the Commissioners recommended that Council accept the application for a plan change in its current form.  A copy of the Commissioners’ report was sent to all submitters on 7 September, and is also available for inspection at Civic House and the Nelson Public Libraries.

Catal Developments Ltd

Operative 31 March 2008

Following the hearing before three Commissioners on 26-29 June and 3-4 July 2007, the Commissioners recommended that Council accept the application for a plan change in its current form.  A copy of the Commissioners’ report was sent to all submitters on 7 September, and is also available for inspection at Civic House and the Nelson Public Libraries.

The Commissioners’ recommendations were adopted by Council on 27 September; this decision was publicly advertised on Saturday 6 October. One appeal was filed with the Environment Court by the 19 November deadline, but this appeal was subsequently withdrawn by the appellant. The plan change is operative on 31 March 2008.


Nelson City Council received a request from Catal Developments Ltd for a change to the Nelson Resource Management Plan (NRMP), pursuant to Clause 21 of the First Schedule of the Resource Management Act 1991. The Council resolved to proceed with notification of this private plan change which was publicly notified on 25 November 2006.

The Private Plan Change proposed to amend the existing Industrial Zone retailing rule INr.21 to provide for large format retail and trade outlets of no less than 500m2 and associated activities to a maximum of 30,000m2. A number of other amendments were requested to ensure that the proposed provision is fully integrated into the existing planning framework.

Submissions closed on 26 January 2007. Twenty-three (23) submissions were received. A summary of the submissions for proposed private plan change 06/01 is available for download (84KB PDF).

The Environment Committee met on 27 March 2007 to appoint a commission of selected Councillors and an Independent Commissioner to consider all submissions, hear from those who ask to speak on their submission, and make a recommendation to Council for a decision.

Public participation process

Information on the public participation process can be found on the Ministry for the Environment’s website or by contacting Nelson City Council’s Policy and Planning Administrator on +64 3 546 0388.

Find out more

Full details of the proposed private plan change 06/01 are available at the Planning Counter, Nelson City Council, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street ( PO Box 645 ) from 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday. Details of the proposed plan change may also be inspected at Council libraries during normal working hours.

If you have any queries about the proposal or the process to be followed, or to request a copy of the proposed plan change please contact Policy and Planning Adviser +64 3 546 0388.