Council meetings 2012

Agendas are available at least two working days prior to the meetings. Meeting minutes are posted after they are approved at a subsequent Council meeting.

All agendas and meeting minutes are available in PDF format. To view these documents you will need software that opens PDF files. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader.

A note about Council agendas

Council publishes the agenda header, a list of items to be discussed at each meeting, so that anyone who might have an interest in discussions will have a reasonable idea of the agenda's scope.

Full agendas are often hundreds of pages long with sometimes heavy graphic content, making their electronic files massive in size and prohibitive to download. Sometimes agenda attachments are not available in electronic form. Print copies are available at Nelson Public Libraries, Council reception, and for pickup prior to Council meetings. Copies can be obtained on request by contacting an Administration Adviser on +64 3 546 0200.

Council 2012 agendas and minutes by meeting date
Meeting dateMeeting timeMeeting topicPublic forum start timeAgendaMinutes
31 Jan 9am Community Services 9am Agenda (117KB PDF) Minutes (56KB PDF)
2 Feb 9am Infrastructure 9am Agenda (101KB PDF) Minutes (47KB PDF)
21 Feb 9am Governance 9am Agenda (157KB PDF) Minutes (54KB PDF)
23 Feb 9am Policy and Planning 9am Agenda (991KB PDF) Minutes (41KB PDF)
7 Mar 9am CE Report   Postponed to 30 Mar Minutes
13 Mar 9am Community Services 9am Agenda (95KB PDF) Minutes (41KB PDF)
15 Mar 9am Infrastructure 9am Agenda (75KB PDF) Minutes (65KB PDF)
30 Mar 9am CE Report   Agenda (87KB PDF) Minutes (137KB PDF)
3 Apr 9am Governance 9am Agenda (76KB PDF) Minutes (51KB PDF)
5Apr 9am Policy and Planning 9am Agenda (74KB PDF) Minutes (67KB PDF)
24 Apr 9am Community Services 9am Agenda (492KB PDF) Minutes (42KB PDF)
26 Apr 9am Infrastructure   Agenda (729KB PDF) Minutes (171KB PDF)
15 May 9am Governance 9am Agenda (79KB PDF) Minutes (223KB PDF)
16 May 9am Special - CE Recruitment   Agenda (65KB PDF) Minutes (123KB PDF)
17 May 9am Policy and Planning 9am Agenda (75KB PDF) Minutes (167KB PDF)
5 Jun 9am Community Services 9am Agenda (76KB PDF) Minutes (165KB PDF)
6 Jun 9am CE Report   Agenda (69KB PDF) Minutes (152KB PDF)
7 Jun 9am Infrastructure 9am Agenda (1.3MB PDF) Minutes (181KB PDF)
14-19 June 2pm - 14 Jun
9am other dates
LTP Submission hearings   Agenda (48KB PDF) Minutes (341KB PDF)
26 Jun 9am Governance 9am Agenda (115KB PDF) Minutes (164KB PDF)
26 Jun 1 pm Policy and Planning 1 pm Agenda (118KB PDF) Minutes (214KB PDF)
27-29 Jun 9am LTP
  Agenda (22KB PDF) Minutes (202KB PDF)
19 Jul 9am Community Services and Infrastructure. Adoption of the LTP. 9am Agenda (214KB PDF) Minutes (261KB PDF)
7 Aug  9am Governance 9am Agenda (53KB PDF) Minutes (71KB PDF)
9 Aug 9am Policy and Planning 9am Agenda (50KB PDF) Minutes (74KB PDF)
21 Aug 9am Extraordinary meeting - Earthquake Prone Buildings 9am Agenda (86KB PDF) Minutes (37KB PDF)
28 Aug 9am Community Services 9am Agenda (81KB PDF) Minutes (74KB PDF)
30 Aug meeting cancelled Infrastructure meeting cancelled meeting cancelled meeting cancelled
04 Sep 9am Extraordinary meeting - Earthquake Prone Buildings 9am Agenda (29KB PDF) Minutes (44KB PDF)
10 Sep 9am Community Assistance Funding Hearings   Agenda (164KB PDF) Minutes (129KB PDF)
18 Sep 9am Governance 9am Agenda (2.6MB PDF) Minutes (60KB PDF)
20 Sep 9am Policy and Planning 9am Agenda (558KB PDF) Minutes (162KB PDF)
24 Sep 9am Dog Control Policy & Bylaw review Submission Hearings 9am Agenda (141KB PDF) Minutes (45KB PDF)
9 Oct meeting cancelled Community Services meeting cancelled meeting cancelled meeting cancelled
11 Oct 9am Infrastructure 9am Agenda (112KB PDF)

Late Items (604KB PDF)
Minutes (60KB PDF)
25 Oct 9am Council - CE recruitment 9am Agenda (69KB PDF) Minutes (31KB PDF)
26 Oct 9am Framing our Future Committee 9am Agenda (624KB PDF)  
30 Oct 9am Governance 9am Agenda (103KB PDF) Minutes (83KB PDF)
1 Nov 9am Draft Parking Policy and Bylaw Submission Deliberations 9am Agenda (81KB PDF) Minutes (28KB PDF)
1 Nov 10am Policy and Planning 10am Agenda (100KB PDF) Minutes (68KB PDF)
6 Nov 9am Draft Dog Control Policy and Bylaw Submission Deliberations 9am Agenda (128KB PDF)  
13 Nov 9am Audit, Risk and Finance Committee 9am Agenda (164KB PDF)  
20 Nov 9am Community Services + Infrastructure late items. 9am Agenda (199KB PDF)
Agenda for late items (170KB PDF)
Agenda for additional late items (50KB PDF)
Minutes (119KB PDF)
22 Nov 9am Infrastructure - Cancelled due to lack of business. Small number of infrastructure items will be discussed at 20 Nov meeting. 9am Cancelled Cancelled
11 Dec 9am Governance 9am Agenda (99KB PDF) Minutes (105KB PDF)
13 Dec 9am Policy and Planning 9am Agenda (71KB PDF) Minutes (81KB PDF)

Public forum

A public forum is held at the beginning of Council meetings. For meetings with a starting time of 9am, the public forum is at 9am. For meetings starting at 1pm, the public forum is at 1pm.

Anyone wishing to speak at this public forum is requested to give prior notice to an Administration Adviser, on +64 3 546 0200.

Hearings Panel

Resource consent applications are heard by the Hearings Panel. When there is a perceived or real Council interest, or when provided for by statute, the Hearings Panel defers to an independent commissioner to decide on the resource consent application. As such, hearings are held when needed, not on a regular schedule.

Hearings Panel meetings are scheduled fortnightly in order to review applications in a timely manner. If there are no applications, meetings are cancelled.

Find out more about the Hearings Panel and view agendas.

Prior year agendas and minutes

See the links to the right under 'Related Links' for prior year agendas and minutes.