Building consent complaint process

Unhappy about a decision made by us as the Building Consent Authority? Here are the steps you can take to file a complaint or appeal.

Complaints provide feedback about service and customer experience, and provide the opportunity to improve our performance. You have the right to appeal any decision we've made about your building consent, or to file a complaint about our work in building control.

Building control is defined as:

  • Meeting statutory timeframes
  • Lodging or vetting building consent applications
  • Processing building consent applications
  • Inspecting work under construction
  • Issuing a notice to fix, code compliance certificate or compliance schedule
  • Building fees and charges
  • Failure to meet legislative or building code requirements

Making a complaint

You can make a complaint in person by visiting the Council Customer Service Centre, calling us on 03 546 0200, or writing to us - either through the online form, or write to:

Manager Building
Nelson City Council
PO Box 645
Nelson 7040

Please include the following information

  • Date incident occurred
  • Nature of complaint (guidance information, vetting, lodgement, inspection, notice to fix, code compliance certificate, compliance schedule)
  • Copies of any supporting information (if applicable)
  • Relationship (customer, neighbour, regulator, or stakeholder)
  • Your name and contact details

Timeframe to action a complaint

We will acknowledge complaints within four working days, and action complaints within 10 working days, unless we need to ask you for more information.

Right of appeal

If you don't agree with the outcome, you can ask us to review our decision. All appeals must be made in writing setting out the reasons why you disagree with the decision. Please address this to:

Group Manager Environmental Management
Nelson City Council
PO Box 645
Nelson 7040

What else can I do?

If you are still unhappy or choose to use an alternative route to settle a matter of dispute you may apply to the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment for a determination. During this process the Ministry will consult all parties and make a considered decision that is binding.