Top tips for warm and healthy homes

10 tips for reducing your power bill

  1. Ensure you’re on the right electricity plan. Use tools such as to check you’re getting the best deal.
  2. Switching off your old second fridge could save up to $300 annually.
  3. Use the free energy from the sun to dry clothes on an outside line, instead of in an electric dryer. You could save about $200 annually.
  4. Run your heat pump on the most effective settings and clean the filter regularly to ensure it runs properly.
  5. Change to LED light bulbs. This can save $100-$300 in running costs over the life of the bulb.
  6. Check your shower usage. If the water from your shower can fill a bucket in less than a minute, you could save about $150 annually by changing to a more efficient showerhead. Keep your showers short – in a household of three, each extra minute of shower time costs about $80 annually.
  7. Turning off appliances left on standby saves about $125 per year.
  8. Wash your clothes in cold water. A hot wash can use 10 times more electricity than a cold wash.
  9. Stop draughts and heat escaping with DIY double glazing and good, thick curtains.
  10. Buy energy-efficient appliances. Visit for info on how to choose and use home appliances wisely.

10 tips for using your wood burner more efficiently

  1. Check if it’s OK to use. Does it have a Council building permit or consent? Was it installed before 2000? Burners installed before 2000 in some parts of Nelson cannot be used or replaced with another wood burner.
  2. Use Good Wood. This means dry wood with less than 25% moisture, left long enough after cutting to dry out before using it.
  3. Check for Council’s list of Good Wood suppliers
  4. Use the right wood at the right time. Lighter wood like Pine or Douglas Fir is good for kindling. Dense wood like Gum will burn longer and give more heat once the fire is burning well.
  5. Store your wood properly – split and stack in a criss-cross pattern for good ventilation and keep in a covered, dry place.
  6. Burning things like wet wood, plastic, rubbish or treated wood, is banned. It can create toxic fumes and damage your burner.
  7. STEP ONE for a good fire: When preparing to light your fire leave a bed of ash, put scrunched newspaper in the bottom, add small bits of kindling, add larger pieces of dry wood as fire catches hold.
  8. STEP TWO for a good fire: Light newspaper in several places. Have air control fully open to keep fire burning brightly, unless reloading you should keep the door closed.
  9. STEP THREE for a good fire: Never use the door to force wood into burner – it could break the glass.
  10. STEP FOUR for a good fire: Look after your burner – follow the manufacturer’s operation and safety instructions. Clean your flu every autumn and replace any damaged parts.