Water Supply Asset Management Plan

Adopted by Council 15 October 2015.

Executive summary

This Asset Management Plan is produced for the public water supply assets owned and managed by the Nelson City Council and provides a 12 year outlook commencing July 2015.  The Plan identifies issues that underpin expenditure and documents the features, risks and levels of service associated with the effective, sustainable management of the water supply assets.

The replacement value (2014) of the water supply infrastructural assets is $246.6million.

Assets included in this plan

Nelson City Council abstracts water from the Roding, Maitai South Branch and Maitai North Branch Rivers for supply to approximately 20,000 customers throughout the City. A small number of private schemes supply residents in the rural areas. The water is coarse screened at the intakes and conveyed by raw water trunk mains to the Water Treatment Plant at Tantragee Saddle which was commissioned in August 2004.  Supply to the lower levels of Stoke and Tahunanui is available in an emergency from Tasman District Council.

 The water supply asset extends from the source water intakes in the water catchments, to the point of supply at individual customer’s property boundaries.   It includes dams, intake structures and screens, tunnels, a Water Treatment Plant, trunk mains, secondary mains, rider mains, services, valves, hydrants, non-return valves, pressure reducing valves, pumps, reservoirs, and water meters.


Download the Water Supply Asset Management Plan. (3.5MB PDF)