Freshwater Plan Change 2007

Operative 5 June 2007
Nelson's Freshwater Plan Change covers activities and structures in the beds of rivers, lakes and wetlands, as well as water takes, and water quality.

Operative 5 June 2007

Nelson's Freshwater Plan Change covers activities and structures in the beds of rivers, lakes and wetlands, as well as water takes, and water quality.

These provisions became operative on 5 June 2007. ‘Operative’ means all the public consultation is complete and no further changes will be made to it. The Freshwater Plan Change is integrated into the Nelson Resource Management Plan.

Implications of the Freshwater Plan Change

The rules in the Plan Change affect anyone who wishes to:

  • disturb, install a structure, or extract material in river beds
  • discharge contaminants into rivers, or
  • take water from them.

The provisions also apply to wetlands and lakes.

The sectors most likely to be affected by the provisions are Nelson’s rural landowners and residents, land developers and contractors. 


Anyone unsure about whether they require a consent for an activity affecting the freshwater environment can telephone the duty planning line on +64 3 546 0357.

Stream enhancement

The Council provides support for people in rural areas who wish to re-vegetate and fence river margins, as well as help with pest management. If anyone would like to discuss how the Council can assist with these types of projects, please phone the Land Management Adviser on +64 3 546 0308.

More information on the Land Management Adviser's role.

Viewing the Freshwater Plan Change

The Freshwater Plan Change is integrated in the Nelson Resource Management Plan. The objectives, policies, and methods are in Chapter 5, District Wide Objectives (DO17 to DO20) and the Freshwater rules are in Appendix 29.

Additional Information

For information on matters covered in the Freshwater Plan Change, please call into the Council Offices, Planning Counter, Ground Floor, 110 Trafalgar St.

You can also email the Planning Adviser or phone +64 3 546 0261.