39 - Waterhouse Reserve

A short walk which takes in two zigzags linking residential streets and reserves of native trees.


Time: 30 minutes

Area: Enner Glynn

Start Location: The starting point is the Waterhouse Reserve, in Waterhouse Street, which is a left turn off Waimea Road, heading south just past the roundabout.

Download the Waterhouse Reserve map (156KB PDF)

Route directions

The entrance to the reserve is well marked and has a seat. There are large old kanuka trees and more recent plantings of rimu and other natives.

Further up the zigzag there is a view across the Tahunanui industrial area to the beach. Ignore the gravel track which leads off to houses on the left and carry on to the top of the concrete path which brings you out in Austen Ward Heights. Take a left turn* down across Waterhouse Street to the well marked entrance to the Torlesse Street Walkway, which leads down a driveway.

At the bottom of the walkway, take a left turn into Torlesse Street and walk downhill. At the intersection of Torlesse and Waterhouse Street, take a left turn back up the hill to return to your starting point at the reserve.

Option: *An optional route is to turn right when you reach Austen Wards Heights and join the top of Calamaris Street, then head down Coster Street and back to Waterhouse Reserve. From here you could continue along Waterhouse Street, down the Torlesse Street Walkway, onto Torlesse and then left back onto Waterhouse Street and your start point.