Nelson Biodiversity Strategy

Nelson, although small, extends from mountains out into Tasman Bay. Ecosystems range from the mineral belt, to tall podocarp riverflats, coastal cliffs, estuaries, and the greater marine environment.

biodiversity 2

Unfortunately, these ecosystems have degraded through vegetation clearance, infilling and unsustainable use of natural resources. The voracious appetites of pests like possums and smothering by invasive plants like Old Man’s Beard add to these pressures.

Features of international importance include the Nelson Boulder Bank and the Waimea Inlet. The varying ecosystems support unusual and rare wildlife species such as fernbird, Nelson green gecko and Back Beach beetle.

The Nelson Biodiversity Strategy was launched on 5 June 2007 at the blind channel end of the Tahunanui Back Beach. The Strategy, adopted by Nelson City Council on 1 May 2007, represented a first for the Council. Not only was it the first of its kind to be adopted in the Top of the South Island, it was initiated and developed by a group of partner organisations (now 32), ranging from Forest and Bird to Federated Farmers.

Normally Council staff develop such a strategy internally and then seek input and approval from community partners and stakeholders. The Nelson Biodiversity Strategy has effectively reversed this process.

The Strategy was last reviewed August 2018.

Key Strategy Objectives

The purpose of the strategy is to create a biologically rich and sustainable future for Nelson through aligned action on biodiversity.

Goal 1 - Active Protection Of Native Biodiversity

Nga taonga tuku iho (the treasured resources), native species, and natural ecosystems of Nelson/Whakatu are protected and restored.

Objective 1

Ecological health, mauri and wairua of natural ecosystems are sustained and native biological diversity is restored, enhanced and, where appropriate, connected.

Goal 2 Ecologically Sustainable Use Of Biodiversity

The community has the living resources it needs and has minimised adverse effects on valued biodiversity.

Objective 2

Biodiversity use is ecologically sustainable and biodiversity resources are available for the community to prosper including tangata whenua customary use of nga taonga tuku iho.

The focus of the strategy is to align actions on biodiversity by responsible agencies and the community. Biodiversity is the full range of living things that interact with one another and their environment…..the web of life.

Download the Nelson Biodiversity Strategy (266KB PDF)

Nelson Biodiversity Forum

Find out about the Nelson Biodiversity Forum the group working to implement the Nelson Biodiversity Strategy.