New Resource Consent Types

The Resource Legislation Amendment Act 2017 has introduced new resource consent types (effective 18 October 2017) to enable planners to deem certain activities, where there is a technical rule breach or minimal impact, permitted, and to fast-track some of the more simple resource consents (i.e. simple ‘no-brainer’ applications). Full details of these legislative changes can be found on the following website:

The Resource Legislation Amendment Act 2017 has introduced new resource consent types (effective 18 October 2017) to enable planners to deem certain activities, where there is a technical rule breach or minimal impact, permitted, and to fast-track some of the more simple resource consents (i.e. simple ‘no-brainer’ applications). Full details of these legislative changes can be found on the following website:

The new resource consent types are:

Deemed Permitted Boundary Activity

An example of a deemed permitted boundary activity would be an extension to a house that breaches a set-back requirement with a neighbour’s boundary,  but the neighbour with the infringed boundary has provided written approval.

The key things you need to know about this new type of resource consent are:

  • There is a separate application form for this type of activity and a separate written approval form for the neighbour giving written approval to sign
  • There will be a minimum fixed fee for these applications. There will be no refunds or additional charges for permitted boundary activities. See the Fees and Charges page for more information.
  • Applicants need to supply a  list of names and addresses of each owner with an infringed boundary, and a set of plans signed by the neighbours on the infringed boundary
  • Council planners are required to process this type of application within 10 working days.

Fast-Track Resource Consent

An application can only be processed as a Fast Track application if the activity is a Controlled activity under the district plan (and not a subdivision). An example of this would be an application to relocate a building from another site into a residential area.  

The key things you need to know about this new type of resource consent are:

  • There is a separate application form for this type of activity
  • We only need (and must have) an email address for the applicant.
  • Council planners are required to process this type of application within 10 working days.

Only certain (and very few) applications can be processed as Fast-Track Resource Consents. If you are unsure whether or not your application qualifies, please book an appointment to see the duty planner. To book, please call our Customer Services team on 03 546 0200.