High flyers sculpture

Created by Grant Palliser as a city millennium commission, High Flyers was erected in 2002. It responds to the energy of the rapids in this stretch of the Maitai River.

High Flyers sculpture in Riverside ParkAbout

Created by Grant Palliser as a city millennium commission, High Flyers was erected in 2002. It responds to the energy of the rapids in this stretch of the Maitai River.

The five kinetic stainless steel poles reflect the tones of this environment and the aluminium 'boulders' echo the river stones, symbolising opportunities, goals and achivements in the 'river of life.'

Sights to see

This artwork is final stop on the Eel walk, returning you to the start at the Normanby Bridge in Bridge Street.


High Flyers is located along the path of the Maitai River at the end of Riverside Drive before you reach the Normanby Bridge.

For more information

For more information on heritage walks and heritage sites please contact Arts and Heritage Team Leader.